10 Unique SPACE Facts that will blow your mind!

Space, the home for all of us organisms, all the environment & biodiversity, millions of planets, trillions of galaxies, uncountable stars & many more unknown things.
“There is nothing bigger or older than the universe.” ~STEPHEN HAWKING
Space is amazing! Its sheer vastness in front of which the biggest things are considered small. Its vastness also got some of the most incredible & interesting facts which most of you must be unaware of.
Here just for all you astronomy/space lovers, I came up with the 10 unique ‘SPACE’ facts that’ll blow your mind!
1. The astronauts’ footprints on the moon can be there for millions of years.
The moon got many of the astronauts’ footprints on its surface. This footprints are expected to be there for millions of years. As there is no atmosphere on moon, it means there is nothing, no water nor any air or gas, to erode the footprints.
2. Same type of metal pieces in space can permanently bond.

The phenomenon called as Cold Welding can permanently bond the same pieces of metal. Unlike the earth, the pieces cannot have air, water or any other medium between to keep them seperate.
3. Space doesn't have any noise — completely silent.
Sound waves need medium to travel. Space got no atmosphere, this means the sound waves dosen’t have any medium to travel. As the waves don’t travel, there is no noise in space or it is completly silent.
4. Halley’s Comet will next pass the orbit of the earth in 2061.

Halley’s Comet, last passed the orbit of earth in 1986, will next pass in 2061. Discovered by Edmond Halley in 1705, is only seen once in 75 to 76 years.
5. Venus’s one day is longer than its one year.

Venus got a slow axis of rotation, making it take 243 earth days to complete one rotation ie. one day, while it take 225 earth days to complete its one revolution around sun ie.one year!
6. Every planet in the solar system got their moons except Mercury & Venus.
Mercury & Venus dosen’t have their moons while every planet in the Solar System does. There are 176 confirmed moons in total orbiting planets in the Solar System. Earth having one moon.
7. Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System.
Mercury is the most closest to the Sun but Venus, not Mercury, is the hottest planet in the entire Solar System. This is because the atmosphere of Venus has lot of gases which creates “Greenhouse Effect” that results in high temperature of 462° Celsius on the planet.
8. Sun’s one full rotation takes around 25–35 days.

Earth takes 24 hrs to complete its one roataion while the gigantic Sun takes around 25–35 earth days to complete its one rotation.
9. Uranus looks blue due to the gases in its atmosphere.

Uranus’ atmosphere got methane, helium & hydrogen. Red light from the Sun is fully absorbed by methane in its upper atmosphere while blue light from the Sun is reflected back into the space. This phenomenon gives Uranus its blue colour.
10. There are more stars in the space than grains of sand on the entire Earth.

Interestingly, the number of stars in the night sky is 10 times more than the grains of sand available on the entire Earth! It is believed that 70 sextillion stars (70,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) is visible through telescope from Earth everyday!
These were some of the unique facts about our huge, gigantic & vast space. Space is mysterious with having much more unique things our human brain can even think of! What I presented is just a small part of it.
Hope these facts help you in gaining some knowledge about this mysterious place!
~Muskan Srivastava
Also read: What was the bright thing within the sky which captured astronomers attention.